Earn Money At Home with Paid Online Surveys

Spare Time Earnings

If you've got a little spare time on your hands where undertaking some simple tasks and jobs at home would really help your household finances, then taking paid online surveys could be just the thing for you.

Paid online surveys offer you the flexibility to choose when you want to earn, so whether you choose to take surveys when the children are at school, or at other quiet times during your day, it's entirely up to you.


Sign Up to Start Earning

Getting started involves a little bit of research, but this is fairly minimal. A search engine will provide you with a list of different online survey panels, and once you've spent a couple of minutes having a look around each site, you're ready to sign up.

Setting up a brand new email address solely for receiving survey invitations will ensure that you have everything in one place, but remember to log on regularly so you don't miss out on making as much as you can. Once you've made your choice of survey sites, the following tips will help you to make the most of your paid online survey experience:


Completing your profile is essential if you are to be matched with surveys relevant to you, your lifestyle and the products and services you regularly use. Don't be tempted to embellish your details as you may come unstuck when your answers don't make sense.

Demographics and Screen Outs

Your demographic will determine whether or not you are suited to a particular survey. If you're a 30 year old single woman who can't drive, then a survey on family cars will not be relevant to you and you'll be screened out. Being screened out is part of the process of taking paid online surveys and most survey companies will thank you for your effort by entering you into a cash prize draw.

Reply to Survey Invitations Quickly and Regularly

With every survey there will be a quota that the market research company has to fill, and those who are quickest to reply to survey invitations will get to complete the survey, provided they fit the required demographic. Staying on top of your emails will ensure that you don't miss out too often, and will keep your panel memberships active.

Earn the Maximum Amount You Can

Some online survey companies offer more regular surveys than others, and at times it will seem like it takes forever to reach the point at which you can make a claim for cash or vouchers. Don't be tempted to unsubscribe to what you think is a slow moving survey company; holding out until you reach the required threshold is one cash payment or voucher more than you will have if you give up.

What Types of Payment Will I Receive?

Taking paid online surveys will not make you rich, nor will it earn you a living wage. But what you can earn are small amounts of cash, High Street or e-vouchers and entries into cash prize draws. Your email invitation will contain the reward information, so you can keep a record of what rewards you have earned to date.

Cash surveys will pay a sum based on the length and complexity of the survey being taken and you will need to reach a set threshold before you can claim a cash payout, usually in the form of a PayPal payment, BACS transaction or a cheque. High street and e-vouchers are sometimes paid out on reaching a required number of points which you can build up with each survey. Either way, these rewards are paid out as way of thanking you for your time and input.

Market research companies depend on consumers to provide them with good insight and honest feedback about new products and services on the market and it can be both an exciting and rewarding experience for those who get involved.